Temporal-MPI: Enabling Multi-plane Images for Dynamic Scene Modelling via Temporal Basis Learning¶
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Novel view synthesis
Technical Challenges For Previous Methods
immersive rendering of dynamic scenes
Key Insight / Motivation
The multi-plane image (MPI)
Dynamic contents by MPI is not studied
Technical Contributions
Temporal-MPI representation
Encode the rich 3D and dynamic variation information
as compact temporal basis and coefficients jointly learned
Much faster and more compact
Basis Learning
- Experiment
Task and Application
novel view synthesis
Technical Challenges For Previous Methods
Challenges still remain in modelling dynamic scenes, which require additional capacity to capture variations along time dimension.
Time conditioned NeRF
require millions of ray-casting style queries
MPI method
3DMaskVol21: fusing a background MPI and instantaneous MPI, causes delay on rendering and heavy work load on caching.
Our Pipeline
A novel efficient representation for dynamic scenes, Temporal-MPI. (compact)
Basis learning, linear combination of basis.
A self-contained pipeline.
Greatly decreases the requirement for storage space and being com putationally efficient.
- Demos & Application
Learning for Low-Frequency Component
Temporal Basis Learning for High-Frequency Contents
Temporal Coding for Novel-View Synthesis
Low-Frequency Component
Low frequency contents in a video can be well-captured and modeled explicitly by time-invariant parameters.
We learn RGB color parameters \(\cal K_0^c \in R^{H× W× D/8× 3}\)
This let the subsequent dynamic modelling to better focus on the temporal variation.
Motivation, method, why it works, advantage
High-Frequency Basis
Learn temporal basis as \(\cal B \in \R^{4×T×N_{basis}}\)
Each basis \(b \in \cal B\) is RGBA
The temporal basis will be estimated by two time dependent functions which are Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) networks \(Vc\) and \(Vα\)
\(\cal E(·)\) is a time-encoding function which encodes time-sequential information into a high dimensional latent vector
compactly represent
Temporal Coding
Map the basis above to each pixel. (weights of each pixel)
Learn \(\mathbf K\), which is the coefficients of each pixel
- Comparison Experiments
- Ablation Study
The rendering quality degrades when the length of sequence increases given default model parameters.
Only applicable to dynamic scenes without large camera motions that cause the change of background.