Binomial & Fibonacci Heap¶
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Idea: Collection of heaps¶
Use restraint of distinct heap size (binomial heap) or children num (Fibonacci heap) to guarantee the time bound.
Binomial Heap¶
- A binomial heap is a collection of heap-ordered trees with distinct size. (maximum \(logN\))
- For each heap-ordered tree \(B_k\), the root has \(k\) children, from \(B_0\) to \(B_{k-1}\).
- \(B_k\) is of size \(2^k\). Thus each number can be represented by collection of \(B_i\).
- The number of nodes at depth \(d\) is \(C_k^d\). (Every path from root to depth d is a case of selection. )
FindMin can be done in \(O(1)\) by maintaining a min pointer, o/w \(O(logN)\)
Amortized analysis.
\(\Phi = \) number of heap-ordered trees.
If insertion takes c steps, then \(\Phi \rightarrow \Phi + (2-c)\)
\(\hat c_i = c_i + \Delta \Phi = 2 = O(1)\)
Merge is a sequence of insertion. Root list is \(O(logN)\)
Thus \(O(logN * 1) = O(logN)\)
- Delete the min node.
- Build a binomial heap \(H'\) with min's children.
- Merge \(O(logN)\)
Implementation is different from schema.
sub-trees are attached in descend order w.r.t their size.
Ordered-heap trees still in ascend order. Be careful in deletion !!
BinTree CombineTrees( BinTree T1, BinTree T2 ) { /* merge equal-sized T1 and T2 */ if ( T1->Element > T2->Element ) /* attach the larger one to the smaller one */ return CombineTrees( T2, T1 ); /* insert T2 to the front of the children list of T1 */ T2->NextSibling = T1->LeftChild; T1->LeftChild = T2; return T1; }
BinQueue Merge( BinQueue H1, BinQueue H2 ) { BinTree T1, T2, Carry = NULL; int i, j; if ( H1->CurrentSize + H2-> CurrentSize > Capacity ) ErrorMessage(); /*Current size = total number of nodes*/ H1->CurrentSize += H2-> CurrentSize; for ( i=0, j=1; j<= H1->CurrentSize; i++, j*=2 ) { T1 = H1->TheTrees[i]; T2 = H2->TheTrees[i]; /*current trees */ switch( 4*!!Carry + 2*!!T2 + !!T1 ) { /*|Carry|T2|T1|*/ case 0: /* 000 */ case 1: /* 001 */ break; case 2: /* 010 */ H1->TheTrees[i] = T2; H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break; case 4: /* 100 */ H1->TheTrees[i] = Carry; Carry = NULL; break; case 3: /* 011 */ Carry = CombineTrees( T1, T2 ); H1->TheTrees[i] = H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break; case 5: /* 101 */ Carry = CombineTrees( T1, Carry ); H1->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break; case 6: /* 110 */ Carry = CombineTrees( T2, Carry ); H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break; case 7: /* 111 */ H1->TheTrees[i] = Carry; Carry = CombineTrees( T1, T2 ); H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break; } /* end switch */ } /* end for-loop */ return H1; }
Delete be aware of size and order!!
ElementType DeleteMin( BinQueue H ) { BinQueue DeletedQueue; Position DeletedTree, OldRoot; ElementType MinItem = Infinity; /* the minimum item to be returned */ int i, j, MinTree; /* MinTree is the index of the tree with the minimum item */ if ( IsEmpty( H ) ) { PrintErrorMessage(); return –Infinity; } /* Step 1: find the minimum item */ for ( i = 0; i < MaxTrees; i++) { if( H->TheTrees[i] && H->TheTrees[i]->Element < MinItem ) { MinItem = H->TheTrees[i]->Element; MinTree = i; } /* end if */ } /* end for-i-loop */ /* Step 2: remove the MinTree from H => H’ */ DeletedTree = H->TheTrees[ MinTree ]; H->TheTrees[ MinTree ] = NULL; /* Step 3.1: remove the root */ OldRoot = DeletedTree; DeletedTree = DeletedTree->LeftChild; free(OldRoot); /* Step 3.2: create H” */ DeletedQueue = Initialize(); DeletedQueue->CurrentSize = ( 1<<MinTree ) – 1; /* 2^MinTree – 1 */ for ( j = MinTree – 1; j >= 0; j – – ) { DeletedQueue->TheTrees[j] = DeletedTree; DeletedTree = DeletedTree->NextSibling; DeletedQueue->TheTrees[j]->NextSibling = NULL; } /* end for-j-loop */ /*Update H's Current size*/ H->CurrentSize – = DeletedQueue->CurrentSize + 1; /* Step 4: merge H’ and H” */ H = Merge( H, DeletedQueue ); return MinItem; }
Fibonacci Heap¶
- We restrain the number of children of each heap-ordered tree to be distinct. (More relax requirement)
Lazy maintenance. (Only maintain tree structure in extract min)
Potential function for Fibonacci heap is \(T(H) + 2m(H)\)