
👻DeVRF: Fast Deformable Voxel Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes

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  • Task

    Free-viewpoint photorealistic view synthesis

  • Technical Challenges For Previous Methods

    Slow convergence (NeRF)

  • Key Insight / Motivation

    static → dynamic learning paradigm

    Efficient learning of deformable radiance fields

  • Technical Contributions

    Model both the 3D canonical space and 4D-deformation field of a dynamic, non-rigid scene with explicit and discrete voxel based representations.

    static → dynamic learning paradigm

  • Experiment


  • Task and Application

    Free-viewpoint photorealistic view synthesis techniques from a set of captured images unleash new opportunities for immersive applications such as virtual reality, telepresence, and 3D animation production.

  • Technical Challenges For Previous Methods

    Multi-plane images & NeRF:

    ​ mainly focus on static scenes

    Volume-Deform (unified volumetric representation to encode both the scene’s geometry and its motion),

    Neural Volumes (represents dynamic objects with a 3D voxel grid plus an implicit warp field),

    D-NeRF (learns a deformation field that maps coordinates in a dynamic field to a NeRF-based canonical space),

    HyperNeRF ( model the motion in a higher dimension space, representing the time-dependent radiance field by slicing through the hyperspace):

    ​ Require days of GPU training time

    DVGO (explicit and discretized volume representations),

    Plenoxels (employs sparse voxel grids as the scene representation and uses spherical harmonics to model view-dependent appearance),

    Instant-ngp (multiresolution hash encoding):

    ​ Mainly focus on static scenes

  • Our Pipeline

    In the first stage, DeVRF learns a 3D volumetric canonical prior (b) from multi-view static images.

    In the second stage, a 4D deformation field (d) is jointly optimized from taking few-view dynamic sequences © and the 3D canonical prior

  • Demos & Application


  • Overview

    Specific task. Input, output. First stage, second stage

  • 3D Volumetric Canonical Space.


    We take inspiration from the volumetric representation of DVGO.


    \(Tri-Interp([x,y,z], Vp) : \R^3, \R^{C× N_x× N_y× N_z} → \R^C ,∀p ∈ {density, color}\)

    where C is the dimension of scene property. Property learned are density and color.

    We employ softplus and post-activation in \(V_{density}\)

    We also apply a shallow MLP in \(V_{color}\) to enable view-dependent color effects


    Efficiently query the scene property of any 3D point

  • 4D Voxel Deformation Field



    The 3D motion \(∆X_{t→0} = {∆X^{t→0}_i}\) (i means neighbours)can be efficiently queried through quadruple interpolation of their neighboring voxels at neighboring time steps in the 4D backward deformation field.

    \(Quad-Interp([x,y,z,t], V_{motion}) : \R^4, \R^{N_t× C× N_x× N_y× N_z} → \R^C\)

    \(C\) is the degrees of freedom (DoFs)

    \(N_t\) is the number of key time steps

    Backward here because we needs to find the original position in the static scene.


    Scene properties of \(X_t\) can then be obtained by querying the scene properties of their corresponding canonical points \(X_0\) through trilinear interpolation.


  • Coarse-to-Fine Optimization
  • 4D Deformation Cycle Consistency
  • Optical Flow Supervision

    we first compute the corresponding 3D points of \(X_0\) at \(t−1\) time step via forward motion got \(\tilde X_{t−1}\). After that, we project \(\tilde X_{t−1}\)onto the reference camera and get their pixel locations \(\tilde{P_{t−1}}\), and compute the induced optical flow with respect to the pixel location \(P_t\) from which the rays of \(X_t\) are cast.

    Then we compare induced optical flow with gt.


  • Comparison Experiments
  • Ablation Study


The model size is large due to its large number of parameters.

​ DeVRF currently does not synchronously optimize the 3D canonical space prior during the second stage, and thus may not be able to model drastic deformations.