
AVL/Splay Trees and Amortized analysis

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The height of BST can be as bad as \(O(N)\)

AVL Trees

  • Balance factor \(h_L - h_R \in \{-1, 0, 1\}\)
  • Trouble finder & Trouble maker (important)
  • Single rotation (LL/RR rotation)
  • Double rotation (LR/RL rotation) (Parent first & Grandparent next !!!)
  • Height (BF) of the trouble finder doesn't change after insert+rotation
  • Maximum height of trees? The minimum nodes of height k is \(n_k\), then we have \(\mathbf{n_k = n_{k-1} + n_{k-2} + 1} = F_{k+2} - 1\). The nodes is exponential to the height.
  • Height of empty tree = \(-1\)

Splay Trees

  • Zig-Zag (Double Rotation)
  • Zig-Zig (Single Rotation on GrandParent & Single Rotation on Parent)
AVL Tree Single Rotation Rotate Parent, Rotate Grandparent
Splay Tree Rotate Grandparent, Rotate parent Rotate Parent, Rotate Grandparent

Amortized Analysis

Average-case bound \(\leq\) Amortized bound \(\leq\) Worst case bound

  • Aggregate analysis
  • Accounting method (different operation can have different amortized cost)
  • Potential method

    Potential function \(\Phi(D)\)

    \(\Phi_0(D)\) must be the minimum

    \(\tilde c_i = c_i + \Phi(D_i) - \Phi(D_{i-1})\)

    \(\tilde c\) is the amortized cost and \(c\) is the real cost of an operation.

    If \(c_i\) is large, it means we pay in advance in this operation, so the potential should decrease to balance the amortized cost (\(\Phi(D_i) \le \Phi(D_{i-1})\)). (Potential function design principal)

    If \(c_i\) is large, we needs to borrow money from \(\Phi\), which will be paid later by the low-cost \(c_i\)

  • For Splay Trees, \(\Phi = \sum_{i \in T} log(S(i))\), where \(S(i)\) is the rank of node i. (Size of the subtree \(i\))
Data Structure Potential function Time complexity
Splay Trees \(\Phi = \sum_{i \in T} log(S(i))\), where \(S(i)\) is the rank of node i. (Size of the subtree \(i\)) \(O(logn)\)
Skew Heaps \(\Phi = \) number of heavy nodes. Heavy: size of \(t_r \geq \frac{1}{2} t_{root}\) \(O(logn)\)
Binomial Heap (Insertion) \(\Phi = \) number of heap ordered trees \(O(1)\)
Fibonacci Heap \(\Phi =T(H) + 2m(H)\) \(O(1)\) insertion, \(O(logn)\) deletion