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Resolvers (::)¶
Pure '::' resolves to global
void f(){} // Global f();
class A{
void f(){
::f(); // Call global f();
If a ctor with argument is defined, default ctor will not be generated automatically.
class A{
A(int x){}
A a; // Compile error. No default ctor
Constant object¶
Constant object can only call constant functions:
void func() const ;
Constant members¶
Has to be initialized in the ctor's list.
Compile time constants¶
Needs to be static and const.
static const member needs not be declared outside the class and can be assigned inside the class.
class A{
static const int size = 10;
int arr[size];
inline in c++ means multiple definition is allowed (in linking multiple compile units).
multiple definition still not allowed in compiling.
Put inline functions' body in the header file.