
Pitfalls and Fallacies

约 423 个字 72 行代码 预计阅读时间 2 分钟

  1. Anonymous namespace 作用域为当前文件(相当于全局静态变量)

    using namespace std;
    int x = 5;
        int x = 10;
    int main(){
        cout << "x = " << ::x << endl;
        return 0;
    // ::x = 10
  2. Equivocal function overload


    void f(int x){}
    void f(int &x)


    double f(double x, double y = 1.0){return 1;}
    double f(double x){return 2;}


    int f(unsigned int x) {return x;}
    double f(double x) {return x;}
    int a = 5;


  3. const

    下面两种都是 typename的常量类型

    const <typename> <var name>;
    <typename> const <var name>;


    const int * -> (const int) *
    int * const -> (int *) const
  4. new

    with initialization

    p=new T(init list);
  5. 不能在类中对数据成员初始化

  6. freind

    访问权限对友元函数无效,友元函数放在private, public, protected都行

  7. const member and static member


    class A
     const int a;
     static const int b;
    const int A::b = 5;
  8. const member function

    注意const是参数表的一部分,const A* this

    void A::f() const {}
  9. Derived class

    派生类中的同名函数,不会导致父类的东西消失。仍可通过Base::f 访问

  10. Virtual inheritance

    Diamond inheritance construct:

    class A{};
    class B_1: virtual public A{}
    class B_2: virtual public A{}
    class C: public B_1, public B_2{}
    1. A

    2. B_1

    3. B_2

    4. C

  11. Derived class and Base class

    Derived d;
    // value
    Base b = d; // truncate
    // 下列仅在public继承时可以
    // reference
    Base &br = d;
    // pointer
    Base *pb = &d;
  12. ++ overload

    operator ++(int){}
    operator ++(){}
  13. 重载类型转换时,不需要写返回值类型

  14. 静态成员函数,不可以为虚函数,构造函数不可以时虚函数

  15. Virtual function in derived class must have the same signature as in the base class

    If only differ from return values, Compile error.

    If differ from arg list, normal name hiding.

  16. 当类中至少有一个纯虚函数,那么这个类就是抽象类

  17. dynamic cast, cast from base pointer/reference to derived pointer/reference

    Pointer failed: return null pointer.

    Reference failed: exception.

  18. Only fully specialization is allowed in function templates.

  19. Operators can not be overloaded:

    ? . :: sizeof .*

  20. 只要vtable还在,动态绑定就在,关键在于vtable是谁的

    Derived d;
    Base *b = &d;
    (*b).f(); // Call derived f
  21. Default parameters in dynamic binding

    class Base{
        int x;
        virtual void f(int x = 1)
            cout << "Base" << x << endl;
    class Derived : public Base{
        void f(int x = 2){
            cout << "Derived" << x << endl;
  22. dynamic cast 的源类型必须是polymorphic 否则编译错误
