Implicit Neural Networks
约 129 个字
Occupancy network¶
In essence a classifier!
Representing Materials and Lighting¶
\(\Large{\mathbf L_{cSLF}(\mathbf{p,v,l}) : \mathbb R^3 \times \mathbb R^3 \times \mathbb R^M \rightarrow \mathbb R^3}\)
Representing Motion¶
Representing Scenes¶
Needs to exploit local features with CNN
Differentiable Volumetric Rendering¶
Learning from Images
No 3D supervisions
Neural Radiance Fields¶
Render image from novel viewpoints, instead of fine 3D reconstruction
Fourier Features
Learn high dimensional function in low dimensional space
Avoid over-smoothing, more sharp details
Generative Radiance Fields¶
Can train from unstructured and unposed image collections. (With no camera pose)
View dependent appearance and view independent density! Disentangle appearance and occupancy.